โ™กโ™กโ™ก likes gravity falls, kpop ggs, songs/music, making new friends, barbie, and editing.
โœ˜โœ˜โœ˜ oceans, sweet food, drinks, lying, not understanding, hurting others for selfish reasons,etc.

saakshi / saak

20 she/they lesbian
libra ! INTJ Indian 04' liner editor 12 OCT

note : i may sometimes come off as mean or odd due to me not understanding your tones. Please keep in mind that my intentions are never to hurt anyone, If you feel hurt by me pls pm me anytime ๐Ÿ’Œ

before you follow

I have autism, I might have adhd too(still researching). I have dyscalculia. I feel uncomfortable with topics of alcohol/cigarettes/etc. And don't make "hate jokes" on me unless if I know you

do not interact

you're racist, misogynistic, queerphobic, any religion phobic, bodyshamer, pedophile, etc. make flirting jokes, sex jokes, and "your mom" jokes.

editing, singing, listening to songs, & learning new topics

twice, red velvet, newjeans, ive, itzy, alice, blackpink, chuu, lesserafim heejin, aespa, stayc, and eunbi